New Enco Allure, performance and beauty that last
The Christmas air is already felt, and many will want to decorate their residence with the colors of this season. This year, the predominant colors will be different shades of blue, especially the darker ones, giving a feeling of grandeur. Dark greens will also be in fashion, bringing strength and luxury to spaces. The pinks will provide a perfect contrast with the dark blues and greens. These colors are ideal for an elegant decoration, which when combined with silver and gold, will give the feeling of sophistication and glamour. If you want a more casual atmosphere, you can combine them with the red that is so traditional at Christmas time. Additionally, you can use neutral colors such as white, gray or black.
Remember that these are seasonal colors; However, there are some that will always be present. One of these colors is purple, which gives a feeling of sobriety and exuberance. This, combined with silver and gold, reminds us of the "Hollywood Style", always present.
Now, in addition to choosing the right color for the season, we must choose the paint with the attributes of excellence that you and your family deserve. In this article I want to talk to you about Allure, a new paint from Enco that is going to give you a lot to talk about.
"Allure", a term of French origin that is defined as the quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive and fascinating, could not be a better name for this recent innovation from Pinturas Enco.
The product is paint and primer in a single component and is formulated with a combination of 100 percent acrylic resin and resin with anti-stain technology. Because it is a paint with this quality, it has the highest durability outdoors among all existing types of paint. Let us remember that when painting outdoors it is vital that we use 100 percent acrylic paints to achieve the greatest protection and durability against ultraviolet rays, which cause discoloration, cracking and peeling of the paint. However, it's important to know that Allure is also a great choice for interiors, as it is low in odor and low in volatile organic compounds, making it pleasant to paint on and safe for nurseries, seniors' rooms, and other interior spaces. of people with respiratory problems, such as asthma.
The combination of the 100 percent acrylic resin in Allure, with a second type of anti-stain resin makes the paint layer that results when painting more resistant, which has the following advantages:
- Greater color retention: Pigments and dyes are trapped in the pore for longer, making colors shine brighter, do not bleach and last longer.
- Greater resistance to stains: Allure has the greatest resistance to stains and dirt sticking.
- Greater resistance to efflorescence: Efflorescence is the process by which the salts present in the concrete structure are absorbed by humidity and water, and evaporate, leaving a white stain that disfigures the paint.
- Greater resistance to fungi: Exceeds the specifications of the ASTM D1308 standard due to its high resistance to attack by mold, fungi and microbes.
- Greater coverage: It has the greatest coverage among all the paints available on our market, so a single coat of paint will be enough to achieve the desired color in most cases.
Allure is available in matte, “eggshell” and semi-glossy finishes, and you can get it at Ferreterías Ace in Puerto Rico.
For more information, go to www.encopr.com , facebook.com/encopr or call 787-739-3751 .
Roberto Lucena is an interior design specialist, founder of RL Interior Solutions, member of the Board of Directors of the International Federation of Interior Architects and Designers (IFI) and collaborator of Enco. For more ideas, call 787-505-4383 .
Original article: https://construccionelnuevodia.com/noticia/nueva-enco-allure-desempeno-y-belleza-que-perduran/